Zero-Waste Education Summit

06/12/2024 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM CT


Explore whole-district, TEKS-aligned strategies and resources for reducing waste at schools and improving student learning and engagement around sustainability and zero waste. themes.


Harris County Leaders and Educators: Join us on the Rice University campus to explore strategies for pursuing zero-waste initiatives in our schools and school communities. During this collaborative one-day summit, you'll have opportunities to:

  • Gain insights from Houston ISD's pilot zero-waste initiative that launched in 2023, as well from additional school and community partner case studies from across our region

  • Learn practical strategies for integrating interdisciplinary, TEKS-aligned sustainability and zero-waste activities in classrooms with the Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

  • Discover the new Solutions Model Playbook for school recycling, developed by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste

  • Explore student experiential learning opportunities and resources available to you, your students, and your schools to help bring your zero-waste goals to life

  • Connect with other educators and administrators dedicated to fostering sustainability in schools

Partners that will be present include the National Wildlife Federation, faculty from Rice University's Office of STEM Engagement, Tricon Energy, Moonshot Compost, and the City of Houston, among others!

The event is free and lunch will be provided. Parking will be validated but in the spirit of our theme, we encourage our attendees to join us by carpooling, taking public transit, or riding a bike as possible!